terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2018


History of Trebuchet Catapult

The trebuchet catapult was a siege attack weapon that was invented in China in 300 B.C. and largely used in the Middle Age, being responsible for overcoming the great walls, throwing objects over or simply destroying them. This mechanism uses a mobile mass system to throw objects of great distances, through the transformation of potential energy into kinetics.

Figure 1. Trebuchet Catapult
Source: http://fisica-em-acao.blogspot.com/2012/09/tipos-de-catapulta.html

Group's Presentation

The project to be developed belongs to the Physics A subject on the Mechanical Engineering course in University Center SENAI CIMATEC and counts on the joint work of the students of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering oriented by the masters Rafael Bittencourt and Targino Amorim.

Figure 2. Team Members: João Lucas Mattos Pereira de Souza, Daniel Moura Lima, Suzy Daniella Miranda Oliveira, Eduarda Silva Almeida.
Source: Own