quarta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2018

Final Presentation

The project built by the group finally was presented to the physics professors and this is the final result of the Catapult Trebuchet:

Picture 1. Final Presentation
Source: Own

Our thanks to:

  • Prof. MSc. Rafael Bittencourt and prof. MSc. Targino Amorim, for all the help and monitoring along the project construction.
  • Prof. Elenilson Nery, for the lessons about the theory envolved on the catapult.
  • Vinicius Moura, a student of Mechanical Engineering, for the support on the catapult 3D model.
  • All the monitors of physics lab of SENAI CIMATEC.
  • José Augusto da Silva de Almeida, Integrated Management Manager, who helped on the catapult mounting and also gave tips on how to build the catapult.

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